
Maggie & Jake – Monroe, NC

When our friends Maggie and Jake told us they were getting married on their hometown farm we were immediately hooked. We loved getting to work with Rylee Hitchner and capture their day.


OnceWed wrote:

Planning a wedding at your home could fill even the most organized couple full of stress and anxiety. That’s why we love the sentiment behind Maggie and Jake’s wedding celebration, set at the bride’s family farm: behind every decision was the ultimate goal to ensure that their guests were able to look around themselves, and appreciate the simple, overwhelming beauty of creation. And though the details weren’t of high importance to them, everything from the bride’s amazing custom dress to the simple tablescapes and organic florals were all, in a word, beautiful.

Reflections from the bride on her wedding day:

“The first question everyone always asked after they found out Jake and I became engaged was whether or not we were going to have the wedding on my family’s farm (which inevitably operates as an actual wedding venue). I always said yes, it was never really a question to me. However, growing up I never imagined myself getting married in my own backyard & to be honest I don’t even think I really gave much thought to my own wedding until we started working in the wedding industry.

When it finally came time to sit down and sift through all of the wedding day details I didn’t want to simply make decisions because it would follow the traditional pattern of a wedding or make something “look” beautiful. I wanted everything to have more meaning and depth to it than that; I wanted the wedding to “feel” beautiful because of the intention behind the details. I remember sitting down with Abany one day and explaining that when I envisioned the wedding, I wanted our guests to see creation in its simplest form. I am a firm believer that less is more in so many aspects and I wanted our guests be able to look around and appreciate the true and simple beauty that comes as a gift to us everyday, unfiltered and untouched.

I wanted the guests to see the natural beauty that I bear witness to everyday on the farm; the varying colors of green in an open field, the vast tree line above, the way the light trickles through the pathways, the sweetness of gathered loved ones. I wanted guests to see the wonderful and beautiful gift of creation.”

Production Images